Large churches are great. Lots of programs, lots of resources, activities for every age and stage, options for worship style, anonymity, lots of people to meet.

Small churches are great too. You can really get involved. You see the same people over and over and can feel really known. There are more opportunities for leadership and to get involved. You can get to know people better.
Both are great.
Want to get consistent sharing Jesus with your family and know it's making a difference? This 6 Faith Habits to Consistency checklist will give you quick ideas to steadily point your family to Jesus' amazing love.
But both have their downsides too.
In a large church, you can go week after week and never see the same people. It can leave you feeling lonely. You may see all the programs in your bulletin, but never join one. You may not like crowds or the pressure to fit in with the group ethos.
In small churches, there may not be the programs you would like. There may not be other kids for yours to get to know. You may have great ideas but they always want you to be the one to carry it out, when you just need a moment to sit in the pews alone. The worship may not be just your style.
Big or small, each church has its pluses and minuses.
But one thing we all truly need is to know God better and to grow in relationship with him (aka learn how to make faith practical in our day to day lives).
The best way to do that is to be in a small group that is committed to prayer, study of the scriptures, and getting to know each other on a personal level.
It’s in these groups that we can grow, stretch, go deeper in our faith. It’s here that we apply what we learn about God’s promises to our lives. It’s here that we can share our fears and concerns, our hopes and joys. It’s here that we can hear different viewpoints and approach them with a spirit of charity. It’s here that our conversations go deeper than surface level. It’s here that we feel God’s love and care for us. It’s here that we make biblical friendships.
It’s important for your spiritual life, whether you’re in a big church or small, to find a small group of people with whom you can share your life and faith.
Do you prefer big churches or small? Do you blend into the crowd or seek to make good friends? Leave a comment below.
Want to get consistent sharing Jesus with your family and know it's making a difference? This 6 Faith Habits to Consistency checklist will give you quick ideas to steadily point your family to Jesus' amazing love.
I love being a part of groups. It really helps develop friendships and close relationships where you can do life together. There are different levels of groups. A big church for fellowship and worship, smaller groups like Sunday School class where you dig deeper with each other, then support groups where you help and give hope to each other, and then a prayer group where you can be very vulnerable and know you are very safe in sharing. All groups serve a great purpose to be with people and to show the love of Christ that follows from us. ❤️
That’s a great perspective Patty! I appreciate you laying out the many different levels of groups and their impact. They are all important and each are necessary. I love that you have that support.