In light of all the buzz about Carol Dweck’s Mindset book and teaching kids to have a “growth mindset,” the real question is whether her idea is biblical or not? And what is a biblical mindset? How can mothers shape their children to grow in knowing Jesus and believe in lasting change?

- Introduction to Cultivating a Biblical Mindset
- What is a Mindset? Fixed vs. Growth Mindset
- A Biblical Mindset: Raising Kids with a Christ-Centered Perspective
- How Moms Can Instill a Biblical Mindset in Their Kids
- Conclusion: Raising Kids with an Eternal Perspective
- Other Helpful Resources:
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Introduction to Cultivating a Biblical Mindset
As moms, we think a lot about how to shape our children’s minds and hearts. But we’re not the only ones shaping our children. Schools are as well.
Schools often teach growth mindset—the idea that effort leads to change—but is this biblical? A lot of attention has been made over the book Mindset by Carol Dweck. I’ve read it for business courses, and I’ve noticed that even my kids’ school teaches this.
Want to get consistent sharing Jesus with your family and know it's making a difference? This 6 Faith Habits to Consistency checklist will give you quick ideas to steadily point your family to Jesus' amazing love.
Is it biblical? What is it? Should we adopt a growth mindset? And a related question: can we as Christians follow secular ideas, even ones grounded in research?
How can we help our children develop a biblical mindset that prepares them to know and follow Jesus?
What is a Mindset? Fixed vs. Growth Mindset
In Dweck’s Mindset book, she talks about 2 mindsets. A fixed mindset and a growth mindset.
Define fixed mindset vs. growth mindset in simple terms
A fixed mindset, simply, is that you are who you are and you can’t really change.
A growth mindset, on the other hand, says that the way you think and act can affect change in your life. Basically, focus on the process of growing and learning, believing that it can change your life, and it will—the growth mindset. That’s instead of thinking you have the gifts and talents you have been “born with” and that’s it—the fixed mindset.
An example in the book is someone with a natural talent for tennis (John McEnroe) versus someone without who works hard to improve and improve (Roger Federer), eventually getting to the level of the person with natural talent, but being able to surpass that person too, because of their work and belief that they can keep growing, whereas the “natural” hero doesn’t really believe he needs to work as hard because he’s already “gifted.” (Read a more in-depth comparison of mindset relating to these two tennis players.)
Example of fixed mindset vs. growth mindset for moms
A simple example for moms would be a child struggling with math, thinking they’re not good at it and will never learn, versus a mom encouraging her child that even though it’s hard, she knows he can do hard things. The mom praises the effort (hard work), not the outcome (performance on assignments).
Biblical truth: We are not “stuck” in sin—God makes us new! (2 Cor 5:17).
When I read the book, a lot of it resonated with me. I’m not stuck or fixed as I am, doomed by genetics. But my thoughts and my mindset have influence over how I live.
What about this resonated with me?
In seminary, one thing really stood out to me. I’m not stuck in my sins as a Christian, but I’m a new creation (2 Cor 5:17 ESV). God has already started the work of making me new.
I am a new creation. Not just that I will be some day new, but I AM a new creation. Now.
So how I think about myself matters. I can’t live in the old sinful way, but I must learn to live in the new way.
This biblical truth is at it’s core a “growth mindset” as Dweck calls it. As Christians, we call it new life in Christ.
A Biblical Mindset: Raising Kids with a Christ-Centered Perspective
The world says we grow by self-effort, but the Bible says transformation comes through Christ.
Teaching kids that change happens not just by trying harder, but by trusting in Jesus. Jesus empowers us through his spirit to grow and change. There’s a both/and to growth and change in Christ.
An example is helping your child who may feel discouraged by reminding them of their identity in Christ. Remind them that Christ is at work in them to help them change and grow. After all, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me,” (Phil 4:13 NIV). Change is possible because of Jesus!
What the Bible Says About a Renewed Mindset
Mindset Bible Verses: Key verses to teach kids about biblical mindset:
These are some growth mindset Bible verses that present the whole picture of Christ’s renewing work in you as the agent of change rather than just your own efforts.
Romans 8:5 – Set our minds on what the Spirit desires.
“But those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires,” (NIV).
Rom 12:2 – Allow your mind to grow and be renewed through God’s transformation.
“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will,” (NIV).
Colossians 3:2 – Think about things above, not earthly things.
“Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things,” (NIV).
1 Peter 1:13 – Set your hope on Jesus, not your circumstances.
“Set your hope on the grace to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed at his coming,” (NIV).
2 Corinthians 5:17 – You are not fixed at birth, but are a new creation in Christ.
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come,” (ESV).
Romans 6:5-7 – We are never stuck as we are. Our old self has died, our new self is set free.
“For if we have been united with him in a death like his, we shall certainly be united with him in a resurrection like his. We know that our old self was crucified with him in order that the body of sin might be brought to nothing, so that we would no longer be enslaved to sin. For one who has died has been set free from sin.”
(For a more detailed study of these Romans 6 verses, see my Romans 6:1-14: Believers are Dead to Sin, Alive to Christ Bible Study.)
As you can see, these are Bible verses about changing your mindset, just with God being the motivator and basis for change.
What does the bible says about mindset?
Is the point of the Bible to teach us mindset?
In one sense, yes. The Bible teaches us a biblical mindset.
But in the overarching point of God’s story, no. The Bible’s “point” is to show us Jesus and how everything points to his work of redemption on this earth.
But a large part of the New Testament does in fact include our mindset, specifically, renewing our minds according to God’s wisdom.
Is the Biblical Mindset the same as Dweck’s Growth Mindset?
So while the biblical mindset does include the ideas of “growth mindset” from Dweck’s book, it is about so much more for the Christian.
We can take the basic principles from her book and apply them to our lives, because at the heart, they are underpinned by scripture. But we look to Christ’s effort and the work of the Holy Spirit for our ultimate renewal, more than just focusing on ourselves and what we can do through our own efforts alone.
It is ok to use “self-help” or “secular” sources? Yes, but take the good, and leave the bad. Translate their content into God’s truths to apply it to your life. Books like Dweck’s Mindset can show practical steps and how-tos of scriptural principles, even if their authors aren’t speaking from a Christian perspective.
These books can be good, because they can teach us step-by-step how to do something, whereas the Bible is definitely not an instruction manual.
How Moms Can Instill a Biblical Mindset in Their Kids
- Speak truth over your child daily – Remind yourself of these verses above. And remind your child they are loved and made new in Christ.
- Memorize Scripture together and on your own – Pick one mindset Bible verse (from the list above) per week, memorize it, and repeat it over and over again, especially when you or your child are tempted to stay in your old ways.
- Redirect and stop negative thoughts – When your child says, “I can’t,” point them to God’s truth. Stop negative thoughts when they happen and reframe them with God’s truth. “You are loved. You are a new creation. You have the Spirit who will help you change.”
- Pray with them – Ask God to shape their minds and hearts and give you wisdom to teach them growth from spirit-led effort.
Conclusion: Raising Kids with an Eternal Perspective
Our goal isn’t just to help kids succeed, but it’s to prepare them spiritually.
A biblical mindset leads to lasting hope, faith, and identity in Christ, rather than just in ourselves like the growth mindset teaches.
Encouragement: You are shaping your child’s heart for eternity—one conversation at a time! Start now and stick with it.
Other Helpful Resources:
- Building Habits to Raise Lifelong Believers
- What I Do at Night When My Mind is Racing
- Developing Godly Character
- Carol Dweck’s Mindset Book (#affiliate)
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