Finding Time for God is Hard
I’ll admit it, it’s hard for me to find time for God. Really, it’s hard for me to make time for God.
I know I have to make it a priority, but I feel like I’m barely making it through most days. Of course, I know I’d make it better through most days if I made time for God.
So why don’t I?
Want to get consistent sharing Jesus with your family and know it's making a difference? This 6 Faith Habits to Consistency checklist will give you quick ideas to steadily point your family to Jesus' amazing love.

Good question. Do you want to hear all my excuses?? Probably not.
If you’re anything like me, you’re busy. We’re all busy. We have a lot of demands on our time and attention. Sometimes I forget what I’m doing (or why) right in the middle of doing it. Yikes.
I have 3 small kids to raise and feed and cart around and clean up after and on and on.
It’s no excuse though. I know that. My soul knows that. My soul aches because of that.
So each year, here comes Lent. It rushes upon me before I even know it’s here, and I usually don’t give it a second thought until I’m sitting in an Ash Wednesday service (some years I haven’t even made that).
And in the service, I feel God calling me to go a little bit deeper during this season.
I pray and ask for guidance on what I should do for Lent.
This year, I heard God telling me (it came immediately into my mind when I asked, is how I know that was God telling me) to read the Psalms and Proverbs again during Lent.
And so I am.
Making Time for God
And I find that in the midst of it, I’m finding time for God.
I’m making time for God.
I’m reading at a terribly slow pace (2 psalms a day right now… I know I’ll have to pick up the pace to actually finish.) But I’m having to make time in my day to do it.
And it helps. And it strengthens me. I feel God’s presence. And I feel him calling me to him. (My soul feels refreshed and wants more of him.)
But some days I forget. And some days I procrastinate.
But other days I open my Bible joyfully and expectantly.
And some days I feel God speaking through the Psalm and it sparks a reflection, and I see that there’s truth in God’s word.
So this is how observing Lent helps me find time for God: because I intentionally make the time for God each day.
He “told” me to do this when I asked on Ash Wednesday, and I’m a person of my word, so I obey.
The season of Lent is long, but not too long. It’s just long enough to invite me into a “challenge” of sorts, but not too long that I abandon it.
I encourage you to look into Lent and practicing a spiritual discipline if you don’t already. I encourage you to find time for God either way.
Do you observe Lent? What spiritual discipline are you practicing? How are you finding time for God in this season?
More Lenten posts
To easily find all Lenten posts, browse here and don’t forget to share them!
- Meatless Fridays in Lent: Teaching Kids About Faith
- The Benefits of Adding a Spiritual Discipline for Lent
- 4 Things to Do for Lent in a Pandemic
- What You Need to Do to Prepare for Lent
- Reading the Psalms: Advice for a Busy Mom
- The Way of the Cross: Ash Wednesday Homily by Father David Miller
Want to get consistent sharing Jesus with your family and know it's making a difference? This 6 Faith Habits to Consistency checklist will give you quick ideas to steadily point your family to Jesus' amazing love.
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