The day to day grind can really wear you down. Shouts of “Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!” all day and the constant need for little ones to be always at hand can be quite exasperating.
As an introvert/extrovert, I find myself needing some extra space now more than ever.
There are times when I have to (politely) push children off of me so I don’t feel overwhelmed with their need. It helps save my own sanity in these moments.
Want to get consistent sharing Jesus with your family and know it's making a difference? This 6 Faith Habits to Consistency checklist will give you quick ideas to steadily point your family to Jesus' amazing love.

I find myself needing more and more help. Not just with managing small children, but in managing my own emotions and needs for personal space.
Where can we turn for extra support in these moments? I often need lots of reminders where I can turn.
As the yearly Christian event of Pentecost occurs, I find myself remembering truths I’ve learned before that can really help you and me in our daily home-life struggles.
But let’s start back near the beginning of the story.
What is Pentecost?
The word Pentecost comes from the Greek word meaning fiftieth.
When is Pentecost?
For Christians today, we celebrate and remember Pentecost 50 days after Easter (after Christ’s resurrection). Pentecost is 10 days after Jesus’ ascension into heaven.
What happens at Pentecost?
After Christ was raised from the dead and then ascended to heaven, at Pentecost, we have the giving of the Holy Spirit to all believers. Acts tells of a sound of rushing wind, tongues of fire coming down on the believers and many miraculous gifts being given.
In contrast, in the Old Testament, God’s Spirit would rest on certain people or would visit others for finite periods of time, but the Holy Spirit was not freely given to all who believed.
It was not until the Pentecost event after Jesus’ resurrection and ascension, that all believers would have the Holy Spirit fill them. From that time on, the Holy Spirit has been given freely to believers in Jesus Christ.
When do we get the Holy Spirit?
The Holy Spirit comes to us at our baptism and faith event. This may be in one moment or in stages, depending on when the baptism/faith event occurs.
What is the work of the Holy Spirit?
This is where we pick up with how we can be helped by the Holy Spirit in our times of exasperation. The simple work of the Holy Spirit is that it fills you with God.
The Holy Spirit is our counselor, advocate, the spiritual incarnation of Jesus in our lives; he reminds us, and is one to pray for the deep longings of our soul too deep for words. There is so much spiritual benefit of God that dwells within us because of having the Holy Spirit.
But what does it matter? What does it mean that the Holy Spirit fills us?
Having the Holy Spirit matters, because we have access to God directly. The Holy Spirit is God. The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity: Father, Son, and Spirit.
Before Jesus left, he promised the Spirit to come to all believers.
“And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever— the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.”
John 14:16-17 NIV
Just before his ascension to heaven, he again promised the Holy Spirit.
“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.””
Acts 1:8 ESV
One of the most important scriptures for seeing the powerful work of the Holy Spirit in your life is John 14:26.
“But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.”
John 14:26 NIV (emphasis mine)
Another powerful verse about the Spirit’s work is Romans 8:26.
“Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.”
Romans 8:26 ESV
So how can the Holy Spirit help you in your day-to-day trials and struggles?
“How can the Holy Spirit help me?” you may be wondering.
The Spirit reminds us of what we have learned and of how deeply loved we are.
When I was in a deep period of depression and it hurt just to breathe, I would be reminded out of nowhere (hint: this is how the Holy Spirit works) of songs that I had learned in church as a youth. Songs that had really stuck with me, but I never thought of until I was in those moments, like “I love you Lord,” a Psalty the Singing Songbook song, and a youth group favorite, “Lord you are more precious than diamonds.”
These songs would come literally out of nowhere into my mind and comfort me and remind me that God was with me in the depths of my soul and at some of my darkest hours. He reminded me how loved I am. He wants you to know how loved you are.
Remember Powerful Spiritual Moments and Bible Verses
Think of something you have learned from church or Sunday school or your reading of the Bible that meant something to you. Take a minute and think of it now.
If you can’t recall, look for markings or reminders in your Bible or journal.
If you still would like some help, here’s one that helped me when I was just learning how faith influenced my daily life:
Trust in the Lord with all your heart
Proverbs 3:4-5
and lean not on your own understanding;
or this great one about how God is near in our trials:
The Lord is near. 6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
Phil 4:5-6
Then, repeat that verse or powerful message over and over so that it becomes memory. When you feel stressed or overwhelmed, repeat it over and over until you feel yourself calming down. This is important work of the Holy Spirit, but we need to practice it for it to become second nature.
“Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires.”
Romans 8:5 NIV
Be Intentional in Practicing Your Faith
It takes practice. It takes being intentional. You must stop in the moment and decide to go in a different direction. Sometimes the Spirit nudges you, and other times, your practice and training will kick in automatically.
The Spirit does a powerful work in you, but with learning and practice, you’ll be able to better recognize the voice and moving of the Spirit versus the other voices out there competing for your attention.
You really do have to work at being better in touch with the Holy Spirit. You have to be praying, having time alone, filling up with scripture and songs and psalms to get through the day and the hard times when it seems like you’re at the end of your rope.
So, Pentecost is the moment when God gave his Spirit to everyone who believes. We need the Spirit to teach us how to be godly and to remind us how loved we are.
When we know we are valued and treasured by God, we can pour out more of his love into our marriages and children.
May you know today the power of the Holy Spirt. May the Holy Spirit help you overcome exasperation and strengthen you for your daily battles or home life. Know how deeply loved you are.
What is a verse or something you’ve learned that will be your comfort as the Holy Spirit strengthens you for your daily battles? Leave a comment below.
For other posts addressing fear, check out:
- Where Do You Turn When Life and Faith Collide?
- Where is God in our suffering?
- What I Do at Night When My Mind is Racing
- How I had to do something subversive when everyone else was panicking
- A simple way to get more peace in your life
Want to get consistent sharing Jesus with your family and know it's making a difference? This 6 Faith Habits to Consistency checklist will give you quick ideas to steadily point your family to Jesus' amazing love.
Excellent blog, Keeley! I appreciate all the hard work you put into writing it. Lots of great insight and wisdom. May the Lord continue to bless and expand your ministry.
God loves us! Me! It’s not He loves me if…or when…it’s He loves me no matter what. He wants the best for us and His best is much better than what I could imagine. So I need to let Him be in charge and let the Holy Spirit guide me. Thanks for your blog!
Great perspective! Thanks!